Zusammen mit Saber haben wir ein demotiviertes Team erfolgreich von der alten Arbeitswelt in die agile überführt. Ich habe besonders von seinem persönlichen Coaching profitiert. Als Sparringspartner war Saber stets eine kompetente und empathische Vertrauensperson für mich.

Pinar Reuter,
Eucon Digital GmbH
Head of Claims Proof Glass

Saber structured approach in analyzing complex problems combined with his sharp intuition in know-how and people skills is very admirable. It was such a pleasure to work with Saber and I truly enjoyed our working relationship.

Melissa Juganda,
Siemens AG 
People & Organization  
Global Leadership Development Consultant

Saber listens – always! He challenges every aspect of topics in a completely different way from anyone else I know. He encourages people to self-reflect and to grow, bringing the best out of everyone he works with. Thanks, Saber – it was great to have you on our side.

Rachel Doak,
Siemens AG
Head of GBS H2R GMM